A Gentle Whisper -- Listening for the Voice of God Johnny Almond  

Authentic Christianity

Heartfelt faith makes Christ more than a line in a creed. He is our Center of Gravity.

Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ
       so that when he returns, you will be full of courage
             and not shrink back from him in shame.
                      1 John 2:28 NLT

Be captivated in your heart.
     Lovingly obey Me, and I will get personal with you—
          dear, not distant;  close, not cerebral;  Friend, not cold fact;
          Companion, not just a creed;  passion, not head-trip idea.
     Stay near My heart—and I will make Myself real to you.

Be Christlike in your actions.
     Back up adjectives with verbs—I do not want applause; I want surrender.
     Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not an ideal—a must, not an ought to.
     Walk in My steps—and I will reward you with My smile.

Be compassionate in your relationships.
     I am the God with a heart—be sure you have one too.
     Christian love is not based on feelings—it begins with a choice of your will.
     Follow My example—and I will bless you with My love.

Be celebrative in My Presence.
     Draw near Me, and joy will cascade through your inner being.
          My music teaches you to sing, My promises give you confidence,
          My grace strengthens your soul, My peace calms you in the hurricane.
     Learn My melody—and I will give you a full, rich life.

Be consecrated in My will.
     Sin thrills, then kills—obedience paves the road to heaven.
     Material things are transitory—invisible realities endure eternally.
     Treasure My friendship—and I will give you eternal life.

Be consistent in your devotion.
     Stay in step with the Way, keep faith in the Truth, enjoy liberty of the Life.
     Trust and obey Me, whatever happens—prove you are a real disciple.
     Keep traveling My road—and I will get you home.

© By Johnny R. Almond                          Day 359, Gentle Whispers from Eternity