A Bottom-line Question
Then he asked them, “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Matthew 16:15-16 NLT
Opinion polls reveal that from the world’s viewpoint the jury is still out.
But what about you? Who do you say I am?
Do you confess I am your Savior?
Then leave your eternal destiny in the hands of the King of Love.
Trust Me to forgive your sins—I will save you from hell, sin’s penalty.
Then lean on Me to experience victory over sin’s addictive power.
Do not depend on your own imagined virtue to conquer temptation.
Then look forward to total redemption—freedom from sin’s presence.
Do not be shaped by your guilty past—be shaped by My glorious future.
Do you claim I am your Sovereign?
Then advance My kingdom, and do not just try to build your own.
Give Me the wheel—if I am not in the driver’s seat, you will crash.
Then promote My cause—do not be preoccupied with your interests.
Copy Christ’s example of downward mobility—the way up is down.
Then build your life on Solid Rock, not on the quicksand of selfishness.
Stand on the Gibraltar of My government, not the fault line of your ego.
Do you testify I am your God?
Then worship Me with your emotions, personality, intellect, and energy.
Then revel in My mercy and unfailing love.
Be glad I do not treat you as you deserve—or you would not survive.
Then struggle to live a radically holy life.
If you claim you know Me, I expect you to live in a Christlike way.
Do you say I am your Master?
Then put aside selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and walk in My steps.
© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 309, Gentle Whispers from Eternity