A Creed for Troublesome Times

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
Life is difficult, but you can depend on Me whatever happens. Circumstances may depress, but inner-stances delight if you trust Me. In a quicksand world, I am the Solid Rock—your Firm and Faithful Friend. Never give up—though your body is dying, your inner being is being renewed day by day. Your troubles are small potatoes compared to the glory of paradise. Hard times are temporary—heaven is forever.
Believe I am real—trust My perfect wisdom, power, and love. Let these realities become your unflinching confession of faith. Opinions are carried around like a suitcase and just as easily dropped. But convictions carry you around and are your driving motivation—they are more than ideas in your mind; they possess your mind.
Believe I am righteous—be good for something, My smile. Life’s unfair conundrum is the Job problem—a question of justice. Wicked people get away with murder; you cannot get away with anything. They think I do not realize what is going on, or that I am powerless to do anything about it. You attempt to understand why the rebellious succeed while the righteous suffer—it is puzzling to you. When bad things happen to good people, you wonder if you are being good for nothing. At the end of the day, the world will feel the heat and see the Light.
Believe I am redemptive—let the Good Shepherd tend your life. The universal church is the circle of My children around the world who implicitly depend on Me and worship Me with all their heart. Believe I am Ruler—bow your knee at the mention of My Name. The inevitable consequences of ignoring Me will be crystal clear at the crash site of sin’s slippery slope. Rebels will have hell to pay! Defectors will face court martial before the Judge of the universe.
I am your Counselor giving you a creed for troublesome times. I am your Travel Companion on the journey, Guide through life’s maze, Center of Gravity in a topsy-turvy world, Designer of your mansion, Guardian of your heart, Sustaining Breath, and Perfect Storm Shelter.
Believe I am reliable—lean your whole weight on the Rock of Ages. Every other staff you lean on breaks and pierces your hand and heart—I am the Only Completely Reliable Spot in the universe. Whatever fails, rest assured the Almighty never will disappoint you—you can trust Me.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 219, Gentle Whispers from Eternity