A Dream Come True

Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while,
and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land.
And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come,
and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.
Haggai 2:6-7 KJV
You have an extraordinarily wonderful event to look forward to—
the return of your Savior Jesus, the awesome reign of the Messiah.
You can be absolutely certain it will happen—you have My Word on it.
My Holy Spirit in your heart convicts you of realities as yet unseen.
There is joy too wonderful for words ahead—heaven is just around the corner.
Though you go through agonizing nights now, ecstasy will soon dawn.
You live in a humiliating body—limited, weak, subject to disease, mortal.
When Jesus returns, He will resurrect dust into an immortal and vibrant body.
You have heard about Christ’s return and read My promises many times.
But you cannot imagine the transformation that will occur when He descends.
I am planning a celebration greater than anything you have ever experienced.
The redeemed from all nations will join millions of angels singing My praises.
Nations rise and fall . . . superpowers fade into oblivion . . .
countries prosper and die . . . conquerors are in turn conquered.
But My Kingdom will last forever—it is not too good to last.
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream will come true—
I will inaugurate an indestructible, invincible Kingdom.
The Rock will shatter all governments and wield unquestionable authority.
My dream will come true—you will ultimately become like My Son.
The noblest dreams of the saints of all ages will come true.
The universe is infinitely larger and grander than you can fathom—so am I.
It is impossible for you to write a check too big for heaven’s bank to honor.
There will be peace at last—wars history, nations united, earth resting.
I will make My home with you—a down-to-earth God you can enjoy forever.
I will turn everything upside down and start over—
I will overthrow tyrants and dismantle weapons of mass destruction.
Stars will fall, heads will roll, hearts will fail, tears will flow, knees will bend.
The King of kings—God-of-the-Angel-Armies—will marshal troops of heaven,
strike godless nations, and vanquish the evil one.
Keep this dream alive! Skeptics may call you a dreamer, but do not worry—
your faith will be vindicated; your prayers will be answered;
your hopes will materialize; your dream will come true.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity