An Encouraging Word

Then Hezekiah encouraged them with this address: “Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid of the king of Assyria or his mighty army. There is a power far greater on our side! He has a great army, but they are just men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!” These words greatly encouraged the people.2 Chronicles 32:6b-8 NLT
Encircled by invisible armies, the Greatest Power is on your side. Stand proudly with spineless wimps turned into steel-backboned warriors. Feeling powerless, recall the truth not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit. Feeling weak-kneed, trustingly don My armor.
Sometimes you feel “where never is heard a discouraging word” is only a dreamy Utopia. Despair and pessimism are rampant. Bad news is all you ever hear. Futurists have little optimistic to predict.
Tired of negativism? Bow before the plus sign of the cross. When it seems discouraging words are all you ever hear, turn to My Word. Take a walk through the New Testament and revel in transforming truths.
I am your Travel Companion. Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart. My story captivates you and cheers you on. My Spirit brings peace in pandemonium. Christ’s return gives reason for living until paradise is restored. In the darkness, dawn approaches. You are a victor, not a victim. You enjoy freedom, not shackles. Your Heavenly Father cares for you, His child. Prayer opens the window to infinite resources. Christ unlocks the secret to surviving every situation. Unimaginable glory is waiting just around the corner. I am the Eternal Optimist—you can be too. My Son came to planet Earth to solve your biggest problem—guilt. I grant power for living, love for your relationships, and self-discipline for spiritual development. I am your Blessed Hope. Active sharing of faith’s perspective helps you to grow up in Christ. At the throne of prayer, find mercy for your sins and grace for your struggles. A humble attitude ensures help from the Almighty. Trust causes joy beyond words. Internalizing My Word purifies you from moral filth. In Jesus, there is certainty in all circumstances. Count on Unchanging Truth. Enjoy the pleasure of My company 24/7. I am your Source of eternal security. The United Kingdom is on the way.
Take this walk often—My Encouraging Word will lift your spirit.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 175 Gentle Whispers from Eternity