An Encouraging Word

Sometimes we feel “where never is heard a discouraging word” is a Utopia existing only in dreams. Despair and pessimism are rampant. Bad news is all we ever hear. Futurists have little optimistic to predict.
When it seems discouraging words are all we hear, we can take a walk through the New Testament and revel in transforming truths.
Jesus Christ is our Travel Companion. (Matthew 28:20)
Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart. (Mark 16:6)
The gospel story captivates us and cheers us on. (Luke 1:31-33)
The Holy Spirit brings peace in pandemonium. (John 14:16, 27)
Christ’s return gives reason for living until paradise is restored. (Acts 1:8-11)
In the darkness, dawn approaches. (Romans 13)
Believers are victors, not victims. (1 Corinthians 15)
We enjoy freedom, not shackles. (2 Corinthians 1:19-20; 3:17; 10:3-5)
Our Heavenly Father cares for us, His children. (Galatians 3:26)
Prayer opens the window to infinite resources. (Ephesians 3: 20)
Christ unlocks the secret to surviving every situation. (Philippians 4:13)
Unimaginable glory is waiting just around the corner. (Colossians 3:4)
God is the Eternal Optimist—we can be too. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
The Prince of Peace brings peace at all times and in all situations.
(2 Thessalonians 2)
Jesus came to earth to solve our biggest problem—guilt. (1 Timothy 1:15)
God gives power to live, love to relate, and self-discipline to mature.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
Christ is our Blessed Hope. (Titus 2:13)
Active sharing of faith’s perspective helps us grow up in Christ. (Philemon 1:6)
At the throne of prayer, we find mercy for sins and grace for struggles.
(Hebrews 4)
A humble attitude ensures help from the Almighty. (James 4:10)
Trust causes joy beyond words. (1 Peter 1:8)
Internalizing God’s Word purifies us from moral filth. (2 Peter 1:4)
In Jesus, there is certainty in all circumstances. (1 John 1:4, 5)
We can count on Unchanging Truth. (2 John 1:2)
Life’s greatest blessing is enjoying the pleasure of God’s company. (3 John)
God is our Source of eternal security. (Jude 1:24, 25)
The United Kingdom is on the way. (Revelation 11:15; 22:21)
When we take this walk, God’s encouraging Word always lifts our spirit.

© Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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