Built to Last

You have said: love is built to last for ever;
you have fixed your constancy firm in the heavens.
Governments do not last, but My promise does.
The future is as bright as My Word, which I fully intend to keep.
My plan for eternity centers on My Son—Christ will reign forever.
His throne will never be toppled by earthly powers.
His justice will make all things right and unite the unsettled nations.
I decided eons ago to solve the world’s problems through Christ.
You can count on My covenant.
The firm law of yesterday is built to last.
Gadgets do not last, but My power does.
My awesomeness is written clearly across every page of the universe.
The cosmos marches in step to My orders.
Myriads of angels sing My praises.
You can count on My creation.
The festive language of Yes is built to last.
Games do not last, but My praise does.
People pay for entertainment that eventually loses its appeal.
Even those with the most toys eventually die.
The cross of Christ towers over the wrecks of time—glory in it.
Outgrow mortal toys—reach for immortal joys.
You can count on My celebration.
My forever loyalty through all the years is built to last.
Glamour does not last, but My Presence does.
Depend on My almighty power—hold My hand and be strong.
Hide in My grace—enjoy the shelter of My heart.
Rest in My faithfulness—relax in My perfect care.
You can count on My constancy.
The faithful love of Yahweh is built to last.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 223, Gentle Whispers from Eternity