Center of Gravity

A child is born to us, a son is given to us.
And the government will rest on his shoulders.
These will be his royal titles:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
The Wonderful One brings sparkle into your life.
The awful one steals enthusiasm, kills joy, and destroys influence.
The Good Shepherd inspires adventure and joy, and builds influence.
Christ is honey to your taste.
The Counselor sensitizes your conscience by a Built-in Guidance System.
He is My Holy Alphabet—Alpha and Omega, First and Last Word.
Christ is light to your eyes.
The Mighty God strengthens you to combat evil and survive difficulties.
Awesome beyond reckoning, Elohim transcends your human weakness.
Christ is courage to your heart.
The Everlasting Father stabilizes life—holding you together in life’s chaos.
Everything changes except My Son—same today, tomorrow, eternally.
Christ is your even keel on life’s high seas.
The Prince of Peace tranquilizes hearts with indestructible, perfect peace.
Prayerful daily application of implicit faith is your equilibrium equation.
Christ is music to your ears.
The Christmas carol “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” by Charles Wesley
sings of Miracle and Mystery—“born a Child, and yet a King.”
The Lamb turned Lion will humble enemies of goodness under His feet.
The Messiah will unite earth’s unsettled nations into a kingdom of love.
Surrender to the King of hearts, and He will bless you beyond words.
Let Jesus govern your life, and He will change you from the inside out.
My Son alone can be trusted to control every dimension of your life.
Christ is your Center of Gravity.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 264, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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No FearMonday, March 15 2021

Rembrandt Jesus Calming the Storm
The LORD said to me in the strongest terms: “Do not think like everyone else does. Do not be afraid some plan conceived behind closed doors will be the end of you.
Do not fear anything except the LORD Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else. He will keep you safe.”
ISAIAH 8:11-14a NLT
I am Jehovah—My faithful love for you is as certain as sunrise.
I am totally consistent in My care for you today, tomorrow, and always.
I am Almighty God—My power is unrivaled in the entire universe.
I am stronger than any evil force that might strike against you.
Hiding in the Rock of Ages, you can be confident of My protective care.
Fearing Me, you need have no fear of anything else.
Have NO FEAR of meeting your Savior face to face—look forward to it.
Stay close so when I return you will be courageous and unashamed.
Have NO FEAR of people—they are just mere mortals.
Do not get caught up in being a people-pleaser; instead, aim for My smile.
Have NO FEAR of death—My Son died to break Satan’s stranglehold.
When you close your eyes on earth, you will open them in paradise.
Have NO FEAR of hell—you are in the best of hands, the hands of Jesus.
He went to hell awhile so you would not have to; He is leading you to heaven.
Have NO FEAR of Satan—he is not as strong as the One living within you.
He is the god of the world you live in, but I am the God of all worlds.
Have NO FEAR of trouble—whatever happens, I am your Mighty Fortress.
I am not, as atheists say, a very absent help in times of trouble!
Have NO FEAR of things that go bump in the night—I am your Night Light.
I protect you around the clock; day and night are the same to Me.
Have NO FEAR of fear—I still hush high seas to sleep, so you can sleep.
Do not be terrified. Immanuel is with you, so everything will be all right
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 263, Gentle Whispers from Eternity