Clay Hallelujahs

This precious treasure—light and power that now shine within us—is held in fragile clay jars, that is, in our weak bodies. Everyone can see our glorious power is from God and not our own. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.
2 Corinthians 4:7, 16 NLT
Forever light on Christ’s face is My best portrait of Incarnate Truth.
Light beyond light is your Center of Gravity.
Here is the Greatest Reality you can ever ponder:
I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—
I have always loved you, and I always will.
Get to know My Son better—enjoy the pleasure of His company.
Frail life of clay is a container of boundless power, an interior treasure.
Your human body is mortal, finite, limited by space and time.
Yet I choose to make your heart My home.
I am Light in your darkness—the dark side cannot conquer My love.
I am Power in your weakness—the evil one cannot vanquish My grace.
Avoid staggering in dirty places—walk as a child of the Light.
Finish line is the challenge to believing perseverance in intense trial.
Endurance is underrated—those who finish the race win My smile.
When perplexed, pray—gaze again at My cross and hang on.
When tempted by easier roads, refuse to compromise—soldier on.
Do not let fatigue or criticism force you to resign—re-sign and work on!
I remember you are weak—remember I am strong, and you will make it.
Forward look is the celebration of beautiful paradise, the infinite triumph.
Discouraged? You are headed for a sinless, deathless, painless place.
Disappointed by false advertising? Heaven is not too good to be true.
Disillusioned by fleeting pleasures? Heaven is not too good to last.
One day, in eternity, you will join saints and angels in celestial hallelujahs.
Until then—today, in time, praise Me with clay hallelujahs.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 340, Gentle Whispers from Eternity