Deep Treasures

We know how dearly God loves us,
because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
Romans 5:5 NLT
Faith is the key to heaven’s infinite resources—
unlocking a treasure chest enriching the depths of your innermost being.
Jesus’ redeeming cross work brings forgiveness of sins to contrite hearts.
His death in your place makes friendship possible with your Creator.
Kneeling in repentance and trust, you enter a place of highest privilege—
ruled by the King of kings, loved and cared for as the apple of God’s eye,
inseparably united to the Sovereign of the universe.
Explore these deep treasures placed in your heart—live humbly.
Hope in God’s promises is a powerful antidote to the poison of despair.
Looking around can be discouraging, but looking forward lifts your spirit.
Faith is more than believing I can—it is knowing I will.
Rest assured I will keep My Word—the future is as bright as My promises.
Listen to hope’s future melody—laugh cheerfully in anticipation of heaven.
In the meantime—until glory materializes—dance to heaven’s jig of joy.
The Bright Morning Star shines in your heart—live confidently.
Joy in problems is a precious alleviation for the pain of despondency.
Adversity University teaches valuable lessons you’d never learn otherwise.
Hang in there—character-building experiences draw you nearer Me.
My Spirit cascades through your personality bringing out-of-this-world joy.
I intend to finish what I started in your life—enjoy the divine process.
The Mighty God energizes your heart—live delightfully
Peace in perplexity is a practical answer to the puzzle of distress.
Pressure will not crush you; perplexity will not make you give up and quit;
and getting knocked down will not stop your forward progress
if you follow My recipe for peace—
pray about everything, and thank Me for answers;
in response I will guard your mind and heart by thoughts of My Son.
Peace is My gift—something the world cannot give or take from you.
When perplexing cares crowd your inmost self, I am near to cheer your soul.
When anxieties fill your mind, I am near to comfort and renew your faith.
The Prince of Peace reigns in your heart—live calmly.
Love in My Presence is priceless assurance in the pressures of doubt.
I have marked you as belonging to Me by placing My Spirit in your heart.
Adam’s family line brings death, but Christ’s family line brings life.
Celebrate your identity, call Me Father, and count on your Greatest Friend.
The name of the eternal city is The Lord Is There—that is why it is heaven
The Everlasting Father lives in your heart—live optimistically.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Gentle Whispers from Eternity