Dream of Love

Warner Sallman Head of Christ
You’re beautiful from head to toe, my dear love,
beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless.
My heartfelt desire for you is that you reflect My beauty in every way.
My heart yearns for you to be holy and pure in thoughts and deeds.
My dearest dream for you is that you become like My Son.
Christ gave Himself for you to cleanse and beautify you by His lifeblood.
He paid an awful price to free you of sin’s addictive, destructive power.
His challenging teaching is the highway to holy joy.
His life is the example you must follow to make My dream come true.
Ultimately you will stand in My Presence—at last like your Lord.
Until then, I expect you to struggle daily to become more like Me.
Otherwise, My dream of love will turn into a grotesque nightmare.
One day I will make earth heaven and restore it to its intended joy.
One day I will establish a Kingdom where sin is an impossibility.
Today I am hoping you will do a little dreaming of your own—
attempting what some call an impossible dream—living like Jesus.
I will never stop working in you until you become what I want you to be—
unblemished by sin, unwrinkled by sloth, absolutely perfect.
Let Me tell you more about My dream for you—
that your smile would be strong with joy—unruffled by skepticism,
that your face would be radiant with hope—unfurrowed by worry,
that your eyes would be sparkling with peace—undisturbed by fear,
that your chin would be high with dignity—unintimidated by anxiety,
that your heart would delight in My company—undistracted by rivals,
that your mind would revel in My words—unspoiled by verbiage,
that your behavior would reflect Christ’s lifestyle—unaltered by ego,
that My dream would become your own—undestroyed by ambition.
I will never give up on My dream for you—you must not give up either.
Struggle on toward Christ’s perfection—sweet dreams.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 259, Gentle Whispers from Eternity