Eternal Sunrise

Dawn of eternity will inspire a beautiful morning song.
The celebration will never end—there will be no sunset there.
We are saddened by sin, but we will soon join a heavenly chorus—
a new song of joy sung by the redeemed from every nation,
accompanied by millions of angels around the throne adoring Christ.
Dawn of God’s planned future will bring miraculous strength.
His promises will never fail—we have his Word.
People who love God experience daily grace sunrise in their heart.
Warm rays of peace reinforce trusting souls to persevere in difficulties.
Dawn of full redemption will reveal a Merciful Savior.
Heaven will never disappoint—it is not too good to be true.
Healing is on the way—the handicapped will leap like a deer,
the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the mute will shout and sing.
No one will cry, hurt, get sick or die—evil and its effects will be gone.
Humiliating, mortal bodies will be replaced by heavenly, immortal ones.
Freed from sins by Jesus’ blood, we will stroll golden streets in His light.
Dawn of glory will unveil Messianic splendor.
Christ’s magnificence will never dim—it is not too good to last.
First light will shine forever—Light beyond light will illuminate heaven.
Infinite sunrise will blind the rebellious, and bless the obedient.
Holy Radiant Light will flood the new earth with beauty and grace.
The Old Testament ends with a threatened curse—
the New Testament ends with a promised blessing.
The world makes us sing the blues, but soon we’ll be dancing for joy.
Trouble dogs our steps, but sunrise will be here before we know it

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 304, Gentle Whispers from Eternity