Eternally Grateful

I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever. I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done.
I will wait for your mercies in the presence of your people. Psalm 52:8b-9 NLT
You are liberated from yesterday’s guilt by my unfailing love.
Praise My Son forever what He has done! Condescending from an eternal throne to earthly trouble, He became a human being. Caring about how you live your life, He came to show you the best way. Carrying your sins on his shoulders, He was crucified in your place. Conquering death and evil, He came back to life.
Jesus is your pardon for the past. He forgives all your sins and heals all your soul’s dis-eases. I am merciful and get angry very slowly. I do not treat you as you deserve, or you would last no longer than a dandelion in a windstorm. I remove your rebellious deeds infinitely away from My mind.
Look forward to tomorrow’s glory in My unfailing love.
I am the one and only God—I alone deserve your total allegiance. Joining the bandwagon of naïve reliance on sophisticated technology will only make you feel hollow. Becoming part of the masquerade at the shrine of self-glorification will lead you to see something’s missing and unreal about that lifestyle. I alone satisfy your heart.
Jesus is your promise for the future. The current multiplicity of gods will someday give way to the one true God. False gods of the heart will be forgotten when Christ reigns as King over the new creation.
Live gladly today by My unfailing love.
Stand in the free air I give you to breathe, with your feet on My free turf, and thank your Creator for the gift of physical existence. Gratefulness toward heaven is the most nearly perfect way to pray. Praise Me in company with My faithful friends. Sing your heart out to Me with songs I give you in the night and daytime melodies I inspire.
Jesus is your power for the present. March forward in Christ’s triumphant procession, keeping in step with the Spirit cadence and holding your head high on your way home. I will always be who I have always been—I have always loved you and I always will. Whatever I ask of you, I enable you to accomplish. In the strength I infuse into your innermost being, you are ready for anything life brings.

© 2022 Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity