Forever Faithful

Warner Sallman Head of Christ
Alleluia! Praise Yahweh, all nations; extol him, all peoples,
for his faithful love is strong and his constancy never-ending.
I am Controller of nations—Ultimate Solution to the world’s problems.
Searching for stability? You will have to go beyond politics to find it.
Nations around the globe are anything but united—they are unsettled.
Swords outnumber plowshares—war costs more than agriculture.
Spears outnumber pruning hooks—killing fields exceed orchards.
One day the Prince of Peace will settle international disputes.
My Son will fight the war to end all wars and unite the nations.
All cultures need My calm; all governments need My control;
all economies need My contentment.
I am Creator of all humans—Unique Savior of the world’s people.
Seeking peace of mind? Approach My throne—it is mercy, not marble.
My kindness is as sure as sunrise—you can count on it.
Need cleansing for your soul? The blood of Christ purifies your heart.
All colors need My clemency; all geographies need My comfort;
all educational levels need My cleansing.
I am the Christ of Constancy—Universal Sovereign of the world’s praise.
Hungry for something dependable? It is really Someone you need.
My changeless love fills your life with consistency.
My glorious reign fills your heart with courage.
My eternal life fills your personality with celebration.
I am the Center of Faithful Love—Unending Song of the world’s peace.
Yearning for joy? Hints of glory encircle you—greet morning with praise!
Whatever happens, stay focused on Me and enjoy perfect peace.
Trust the Captain—sail through troubled seas on an even keel.
My consoling music is your cheer; My gracious mercy your communion;
My encouraging meaning is your confidence.
Looking for eternal significance? Ponder life’s Greatest Reality—
I am the One Who Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been;
I have always loved you, and I always will.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 239, Gentle Whispers from Eternity