Fuel Stop

Those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Finding life’s challenges more daunting than you can handle?
Disheartened by crushing burdens heavier than you can shoulder?
Overwhelmed by wide-ranging responsibilities you cannot manage?
Frustrated by recurring problems you cannot solve?
On the verge of giving up because of struggles at every turn?
Wait a minute! Do not rush ahead—do not be in such a hurry.
Slow down and realize who you are—weak; and who I am—strong.
You have never been, you are not now, General Manager of the universe.
You are not totally responsible for everything—that is My job!
Nestle near My tender loving heart—I will strengthen your weak knees.
Expect great blessings from Me—heaven on earth is sure as sunrise.
Look forward to looking back on earth’s troubles—they will disappear.
When My glory is revealed, sadness and sighing will be only history.
Troubles are here today, gone tomorrow—heavenly joys are eternal.
I know earthly life can be rough—I experienced it firsthand.
Never quit—though your body is dying, I renew your inner being daily.
Hope for a brighter future—You have My Word it will happen.
Through My Son’s infused energy, you can do whatever I ask of you.
This is no reason to brag—it is an opportunity to testify that I bless you.
This is no boon to your ego—it is a chance to pay tribute to your Master.
I know you perfectly, care about you, and want to help you.
Learn from Me and fly higher than mediocrity—outsoar timidity.
Rely on Me and run faster than Satan—outrun temptation.
Follow Me and walk farther than the fainthearted—outwalk lethargy.
When others ask how you keep going, share your Secret of Strength.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 273, Gentle Whispers from Eternity