God’s Smile

May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 NLT
See My smile in star-shine marvel and sunlight majesty. The skies speak of My omnipotent greatness. The dazzling beauties of My earliest creations reflect My supernatural power.
My throne is in the third heaven—invisible to you from earth. However, you can gaze in wonder at the second heaven of stars and the first heaven of clouds. High above faltering people, I direct the traffic patterns of countless galaxies and paint canopies of beauty. Spacious firmament, blazing sun, sparkling stars, and orbiting planets are “forever singing as they shine, ‘The hand that made us is divine’” (Joseph Addison).
See My smile in inspired Scripture. My Word is a compass revealing wise moral principles. The Book from Heaven is a travel guide for meaningful living. My flawless law puts a spring in your step. My true Word gives sense to your head. My basic principles inspire a song in the depths of your heart. My direct orders clarify your soul’s vision.
See My smile in your everyday life. My face shines on you with reinforcing smiles—undying grace sustains. My face shines on you with revitalizing smiles—unfaltering light energizes. My face shines on you with loving smiles—unfailing wisdom teaches. My face shines on you with understanding smiles—unparalleled compassion holds you together.
In the grip of despair? Hear gentle whispers from eternity—find hope. Discouraged? Recall your ultimate destination—get up and keep going. Saddened by the world scene? Look up—I will teach you to smile again.
See My smile of approval as you obey the Omnipresent God. If your conscience yearns to please Me, submit to My thorough x-ray of your life—I will test your thoughts and point out attitudes and habits that sadden My heart. Make necessary changes and all will be well.
To hear My “well done” will not compare to the joy you will experience when you see My gracious smile. When you stand before your King, everything you have done in My service and for My honor will be worth it. Let this thought keep you going—live and work above all for My pleasure. I will repay you with something better than a golden crown—My smile.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond,
Day 197 Gentle Whispers from Eternity