Good Grief
It is my grief that the right hand of the Most High has changed.

Crying to a Good Source is a sincere quest.
Hold nothing back—let your tears flow freely in My Presence.
When you are in deep trouble, reach for the Most High God.
Pray all night long, if you feel the need—I bless desperation.
You need My Presence more than sleep—only in Me can you rest.
I hear your problems.
Urgent faith consoles you in life’s search.
Contemplating a grievous situation raises serious questions.
The difference between your sad now and your happy then hurts.
The good old days seem to never repeat themselves.
Your heart aches pondering the apparent absence of My love.
Heavy questions bother your mind and burden your soul.
Never forget—the Comforter will not leave you.
Never doubt—the Encourager will not orphan you.
Never fear—the Advocate will not forget you.
Never worry—the Sovereign will not fail to take good care of you.
I heal your pain.
Ultimate focus changes life’s sufferings.
Considering a Great Savior results in serene quietness.
Preoccupying your mind with My love tranquilizes panic.
I am the Good Shepherd—follow Me to heavenly peace and quiet.
“No pain, no gain” encapsulates more truth than you can imagine.
There are no rainbows without rain.
You could not appreciate calm without weathering storms.
You would not celebrate spring if you did not shiver thru winter.
You would never know the thrill of dawn without lonely nights.
There could not have been a resurrection without a crucifixion.
You couldn’t walk gold streets if Jesus hadn’t walked Via Dolorosa.
Hard times strengthen character—tears cleanse the soul.
Coal under pressure makes diamonds—trouble purifies the heart.
I give you historical perspective and hopeful prospects.
Unseen footprints carry you through life’s storms.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 220 Gentle Whispers from Eternity