Guilt Trip

Don’t keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain of my guilt.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:9-10 NLT
Individual confession is the temperament you need for a new creation. Judging others merely adds to your own iniquity. It is you that needs forgiveness, your transgressions that should concern your heart, your personal iniquity that burdens you, your sin that clouds the sunshine of spontaneity. Claim the promise of the second chance—confess your sins, and I can be depended on to forgive and purify you.
Dismount your high horse of imagined goodness! Quit sneering in contempt at dirty faces of sinners around you. You cannot change yourself—only I can, so give up your haughty habit of criticizing others not measuring up to your standards. Confess and renounce your superiority complex—humble yourself and be lifted up.
Internal cleansing is the miraculous therapy only I can do. When I wash you, you are snow-white. Heart cleansing is My work. Transplanting tender hearts for stony hearts is something only I can do. Confess and renounce your subterfuge—be honest to God and learn.
Immaculate change is transformation only I can make happen. I alone purify your heart and give you a clean bill of health. In Christ alone is there new creation—new life and a fresh start. Confess and renounce your sin—pursue holiness and live in My love.
Intimate companionship is the highest thrill you long for. You are not an orphan on life’s high seas—you are the apple of My eye. You experience no drought of joy—a river of life flows through your soul. Quit singing the blues; dance My jig of joy! Confess and renounce your sadness—be truly happy and love life.
Intense celebration is the triumph of a right relationship with Me. When you are pure in heart, you see Me. When you are near My heart, you sing hymns of optimism and praise even at midnight. Confess and renounce your sulkiness—be hopeful and lean on Me.
Instructional conversation is teaching that you do in My Name. My converting work in you is heart-to-heart conversation influencing your words and deeds. You are My masterpiece, My work of art with a noble purpose of good works that influences and inspires others on their inner journey. Confess and renounce your selfishness—be helpful and lead.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 210 Gentle Whispers from Eternity