Honestly, Now . . .

Use honest scales — honest weights and measures.
Every pound must have sixteen ounces.
Every gallon must measure four quarts.
Your coins must be honest — no wooden nickels!
I am the Way of Love—walk My paths today and be happy.
Be honest with yourself, frankly assessing your nature and worth.
Learn well My lessons in love.
Work at loving—keep at it through all seasons.
Remember love’s Source—use heaven’s gift for earth’s good.
Do not focus on your wavering love—see real love at the cross.
Follow My Son’s example—love other people sacrificially.
Compassionately care for others—experience the helper’s high.
Honestly, now . . . there is no better way to serve.
I am the Truth of Law—obey My principles today and be helpful.
Be honest with others—truthful in everything you say and do.
In a me-first society, do what is just and right for a change.
Worship Me above all else; care for others like you do yourself—
and two things will be transformed—your heart and neighborhood.
Honestly, now . . . there is no better way to live.
I am the Life of Liberty—seek My Presence today and be holy.
Be honest to God—transparent before the One seeing through you.
Satan promises you freedom, but all he gives you is handcuffs.
Only Christ can unshackle you from addictive self-destructive habits.
Travel Holiness Highway and revel in the pleasure of My company.
Honestly, now . . . there is no better way to rejoice.
Honesty is the best policy because I said so—and that is not negotiable.
To translate abstract justice and righteousness into practical holiness,
it is imperative that you be genuinely honest.
You have often thought about the critical importance of honesty.
Honestly, now . . . don’t you think it is about time for you to LIVE IT?
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 289, Gentle Whispers from Eternity