Inspiring Itinerary

To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. Psalm 25:1 ESV
I am the Most High God—Ruler of the universe, God above all, King of kings and Lord of lords. No judge is greater than Me—when you rest your case in heaven’s supreme court, no lesser court can overturn My ruling. When you sin, My Son pleads your case as your Defense Counsel. My not guilty verdict is irreversible.
No commander outranks Me— when you follow My orders, you are following the best strategy to win life’s battles. When dark forces attack, they cannot extinguish the Light.
No force can overpower Me—so when you depend on My strength, you are energized and encouraged to tackle life’s challenges. Faith transforms impossible situations. Nothing is beyond My power— receive My help and you can do whatever I ask of you.
Lifting up your soul to Me is your most uplifting experience. In My Presence, you are as high as you can be. When you lift up your soul to Me, I lift you up. Finding Me is an uplifting experience. I am your Vindication—the Beginning of the journey.
Leaning on Me guarantees your triumph. Faith in Me is an uplifting experience. Trust Me and enjoy peace of mind. I am your Victory— the Beauty of the journey.
Learning from Me educates you in truth. Familiarity with Me is an uplifting experience. Obey Me and I will make Myself real to you. I am your Vision—the Best of the journey.
Loved by Me, you are changed. Forgiveness is an uplifting experience. I am the Secret of invulnerable joy. Unfailing Love sustains you every heartbeat. Mercy holds you together. I am your Vitality—the Blessing of the journey.
Lift up your soul to Me—loving God, ruling King, merciful Sacrifice. Then you will experience life’s highest possible joy!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond—Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity