Jesus and Associates

Jesus went up on a mountain and called the ones he wanted to go with him. He selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach, and he gave them authority to cast out demons. Mark 3:13-15 NLT
Are you like Peter—vocal in resolve, denying Me by Satan’s fireside?
Are you like James, Zebedee’s son—thunderously short-tempered?
Are you like John—deeply in love with the Lover of your soul?
Are you like Andrew—enthused about inviting others to meet Me?
Are you like Philip—wondering how I can take care of huge problems?
Are you like Bartholomew—honest and straightforward with Me?
Are you like Matthew—giving up corruption and taking up My cause?
Are you like Thomas—tentative, then worshiping Me as your God?
Are you like James, Alphaeus’ son—a behind-the-scenes follower?
Are you like Thaddaeus—obeying without knowing details of My plan?
Are you like Simon the Zealot—fiercely patriotic, and a heavenly citizen?
Are you like Judas Iscariot—a treacherous turncoat?
Like the apostles, you are an ordinary person—human, limited, mortal.
But if you follow Me, I will change you into an extraordinary influencer. Similar to My original inner circle, you are privileged to be very near Me.
Trust My heart and obey My voice, and know Me as a near and dear Friend. You did not choose Me—I chose you and tasked you to produce fruit.
I called you to be My ambassador—will you represent Me honorably? Energized by My Holy Spirit, you are My ally in the battle against evil.
I challenge you to stand up to the Devil—will you fight the good fight?
You are My associate in life’s most serious business—evangelism.
I commissioned you to preach—will you speak up faithfully?
If you were merely My servant, I would not share My heart with you.
You are one of My friends—will you keep company with Me today?

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 314, Gentle Whispers from Eternity