Light beyond light

You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.
In light of My peace, see the Light of holy ecstasy. No matter how shadowy life gets, the dawn of lightheartedness brings radiance to your face. The wonder of unparalleled joy inspires a song.
In your dark world, there is a Bright Light shining. Satan is king of the dark
side, but he will lose to Jesus—Source and Sovereign of Light. My Son has turned on the light in your life, and nothing can extinguish it.
In light of My promises, see the Light of perfect eternity. Dawning of the kingdom of heaven will bring rejoicing beyond belief. Jesus is the Solution to the world’s problems—the Universal Hope. Seek shelter under Christ’s overshadowing wings—survive the meltdown of the elements, and celebrate the new heaven on earth.
Make Jesus the Light of your life and discover wisdom’s key. Learn to think
vertically as well as horizontally—do not worry constantly about earthly concerns; lighten your mind with thoughts of heaven.
In light of My purity, see the Light of a worthy example. Dawning of Life makes you righteous—I forgive your badness and give you My Son’s goodness. The whiteness of His untarnished holiness—the antithesis of sin—makes you able to stand in My Presence. The Light of the world died for your dark deeds—He shines joy into your heart to replace the shadows of guilt and inspire you to live nobly.
In light of My principles, see the Light of true education. When My lessons dawn on you, you grow more reflective. The wisdom of heaven strengthens you for the decisions and responsibilities of your life. Thinking My thoughts, you change from the inside out—and in the process grow up.
In light of My protection, see the Light of encouragement. Dawn of My love makes you relax. My welcome is your Eternal Home and Comfortable Sanctuary. I live in light so brilliant no person can approach Me without going blind—no one is able to look at Me directly. I shine Light through the darkness so people can get a glimpse of My glory— seen most clearly in the face of My Son.
Live as My child—keep your heart’s eyes on Light beyond light.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 205 Gentle Whispers from Eternity