Love Story

Set me as a seal upon thine heart . . . for love is strong as death.
Once upon a time—
Before I whispered stars into being, locked planets in proper orbits,
designed intergalactic traffic patterns, set sun and moon in place,
painted hopeful sunrises and victorious sunsets,
or suspended the big blue marble you call home in space—
I loved you with an everlasting love.
I am the God with a heart—I am Love.
I love you with a love that began eons before you did.
My love for the world and for you is the greatest love story ever told.
It is a true story—no truer words were ever spoken than My promises.
I am constructing far more than a honeymoon cottage.
Heaven on earth will materialize—your home will not disappoint you.
It is a sacrificial story—no one ever loved you like My Son Jesus.
He proved the depth of His love for you at a place called Skull Hill.
Crucified by hateful hands, Jesus loved the world to His final breath.
It is a tender story—you are engaged to be married to your soul’s Lover.
My Holy Spirit entering your heart was My first kiss.
Cascading through your inner being is a Fountain of eternal love.
It is a hopeful story—I seal your heart in love, so you are Mine eternally.
The King of hearts will host the Lamb’s celebrative wedding banquet.
Nothing in the world can keep heaven’s dream for you from coming true.
It is a sweet story—your Heavenly Bridegroom’s love encircles you.
My everlasting arms embrace you and nestle you near My heart.
My love is infinitely patient, incredibly kind, and perfectly jealous.
It is a never-ending story—My love for you will last forever.
I have always loved you, and I always will.
Accept My love—and live happily ever after.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 260, Gentle Whispers from Eternity