Making A Conscious Effort

Albrecht Durer Praying Hands
God looks down from heaven on the entire human race;
to see if there is even one with real understanding, one who seeks for God. Psalm 53:2 NLT
My search for people who understand who I am and what is right invariably leads to disappointment. Crowds loiter in a valley of indecision—opinion polls are still out about who I am and how to relate meaningfully to Me.
Reflect on your conscience. Human nature being as it is, everyone has turned away from Me, and in the process they have become thoroughly corrupt. Forsaking the Good Shepherd, people attempt to shepherd themselves through life. The majority live as if I do not exist. Nominal Christians live like practical atheists. Without Me, you cannot be good.
Only the Savior can erase your sins. You are not an exception to the universal rule of sinfulness and death. Everyone—including you—falls short of My glorious standard. The payoff is death. The other side of the moral coin is more encouraging—though you are a sinner, you can freely receive My unmerited grace. Heaven’s gift of eternal life through My Son is yours for the taking. You cannot earn this gift, and you do not deserve it; but if you repent and believe, it is yours.
Kneel at the cross. Turn from evil—really live! Banish from your mind the very thought of doing wrong—my pardon will flood your soul with peace and reinvigorate your spirit to enjoy life.
Keep the change. Only I can educate you to understand the solution to the sin problem. Without Christ, you are miserably corrupt. With Christ, you are changed—a heart transplant gives you a new, tender heart; birth from above gives you a new character; faith eyes give you a new perspective and hope; new life from the Holy Spirit transforms you into a brand new person. Focused on new goals and driven by new ambitions, you are different.
My search for people who conscientiously seek My face is often futile. However, your search for Me is fulfilling and delightful. I promise that if you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me. Pursue life’s noblest quest—yearn for My Presence and experience My transformational strength. Sing the ancient song of saints intent on living in the moral highlands.
Make a conscious effort! Be desperate for Me—I promise that you will not be disappointed.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 211 Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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