Music of the Heartland

Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright [in heart.] Psalm 33:1 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE
Praise Me for musical celebration—let your heart sing because of My inspiring symphony. Let the rhythm of Life put a spring in your step. Confessing the name of Jesus, make it a habit to give Me the credit due for life’s blessings—let your speech honor Me. Praise Me for praise.
Praise Me for the message of Christ—let your heart sing because of invaluable salvation. Forgiven by his blood, strengthened by his grace, equipped to do his work by his strength, hopeful by his promises—tell love’s never-ending story to all who will listen. Praise Me for peace.
Praise Me for merciful clemency—let your heart sing because of incredible solace. Time after time, Israel’s high priests carried blood into the Most Holy Place as an offering for sin, and then burned the bodies outside the city limits. The Great High Priest himself became the definitive offering for sin—dying on a cross outside Jerusalem’s gates. His blood is the final evidence of My love. Praise Me for pardon.
Praise Me for magnificent creation—let your heart sing because of the inspiration of nature. First believe, then understand this truth—I made the universe out of nothing! Praise Me for perfection.
Praise Me for My mastery of countries—let your heart sing because of My international supervision. The best country is yet to come. Praise Me for something greater than patriotism.
Praise Me for My mindful concern—let your heart sing because of My intimate solicitude. I made you, understand you, and care for you. I will never orphan you in life’s storms. Praise Me for Providence.
Praise Me for My mighty command—let your heart sing because of My infinite strength. Military forces sometimes deter aggression, but I am the true Superpower. Do not fear mere mortals; they can hurt, but they cannot destroy. Praise Me for My power.
Praise Me for being your Mainstay and Confidence—let your heart sing because of My invariable stability. Praise Me for permanence.
Attitude determines your living. Even in dungeons, I inspire hymns. Other prisoners will be listening—be sure to sing well!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Gentle Whispers from Eternity