Panorama of Praise

Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer and did not withdraw his unfailing love from me. Psalm 66:20 NLT
I have not rejected your prayer—I have responded to you.
When you confess your wrongdoing, I cleanse your soul.
When you plead for help, I do not turn a deaf ear.
Prayer is always a local call—wherever you are, I can hear you.
Praise Me for an audience with the King.
I have not restricted your praise—I have released you.
You do not have to hide your faith as a secret disciple—breathe free.
You do not have to stifle your joy—sing My praises for the entire world.
I have made you genuinely rich by giving you a contented mind.
Praise Me for invulnerable joy greater than any earthly happiness.
I have not refused your pleas—I have reinforced you.
My awesome miracles on your behalf irrefutably prove My love.
Enemies of your soul, including the evil one, cringe at My power.
Stay close to Me—and the prince of the world will not conquer you.
Praise Me for supernatural assistance.
I have not removed your problems—I have refined you.
Adversity is My University—trust Me and pass the tests of your faith.
The fiery crucible purges filth—trying floodwaters remove debris.
I defend in guilt, comfort in sorrow, and encourage in frustration.
Praise Me for being your Travel Companion on rough roads.
I have not renounced My promises—I have redeemed you.
My Son became a Sacrificial Lamb to buy your freedom from sin.
I keep all My promises to you—I am the God of My Word.
With all my heart, I love you—love Me the same way.
Praise Me for the honor of serving the God of Truth and Love.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 217 Gentle Whispers from Eternity