Quiet Zone Revisited

Cross Roads Retreat Center; Lowesville, Virginia
The Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says,
“Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved.
In quietness and confidence is your strength.”
Sincerely wait for Me; long for My Presence, and I promise you—
victory over every evil enemy that would defeat you,
unfailing love to bring security to your mind whatever happens,
incomprehensible peace in the midst of life’s hurricanes,
invulnerable joy no circumstances can destroy,
the pleasure of My company to counteract your loneliness.
I am your Savior—the Source of pardon in a carnal world.
Every breath you breathe, I am at work in your heart—
inspiring your ambition to consistently obey My laws;
energizing your mind to habitually do as I please.
Conversion from evil habits to a Christlike lifestyle is My work of grace.
Trusting Me, moment-by-moment, you become more like My Son—
this is My dearest dream and your ultimate destiny.
I am your Shepherd—the Source of poise in a crazy world.
Wearied carrying weighty burdens? Give them to Me and breathe easy.
Jittery and anxious? Let Me teach you and enjoy peace of mind.
Adversity University hard? Learn by character-building experiences.
When life is noisy, step out of the traffic—in stillness know who I am.
I am your Strength—the Source of power in a chaotic world.
Contrary to popular belief, My power works best in human weakness.
Empowered by My Spirit, you can be ready for whatever happens next.
Vitally connected to My Son, you can accomplish all I ask of you.
Holding My hand, you can survive life’s toughest situations.
Trusting My promises, you can look forward to a bright future.
Worn out? Exhaustion tempting you to quit the Faith Marathon?
Wait on Me and be supernaturally reinforced—
outsoar timidity, outrun temptation, outwalk lethargy.
Revisit the waiting room of My quiet zone frequently—and be strong.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 269, Gentle Whispers from Eternity