Rest Area

View of earth from the moon
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High.
You are so extremely busy! Stop awhile—and be refreshed.
I rested on Saturday, after I finished the work of creation.
Why do you not take a break on the day I designated for re-creation?
I give you a one-day vacation each week—enjoy it!
You are so driven! Take time to think and pray—listen for My voice.
Resign as General Manager of the universe.
At dawn, celebrate My unfailing faithfulness through the dark night.
At sunset, bow your head in gratitude for the victories I gave you.
Enjoy peace of mind—rest in the constancy of My care.
Rejoice in My awesome power.
Revel in the blessed peace and quiet of solitude.
Sing, hum, whistle, dance for joy at what I have created.
Enjoy a pause from life’s hectic treadmill—rest in creation’s beauty.
Relax in My care.
Listen for My Spirit cadence—stay in step with heaven’s drumbeat.
Do not feel totally responsible for everything—that is My job!
Unwind in the hammock of My grace.
Enjoy My Providence—rest in the perfect control of Christ.
Rely on My limitless resources.
Star-gaze—you cannot name or keep track of all the stars, but I can.
I empower the tired and weak—I rekindle the burned out.
I teach the timid to soar like eagles high above mediocrity.
I strengthen the embattled to run faster than temptation.
I encourage the fainthearted to walk farther than lethargy.
Count on Me being Enough—and infinitely more.
Enjoy My lavish provision—rest in the courage of conviction.
Remain faithful in My service.
Do not bemoan age as winter—celebrate harvest time.
You are human; you make mistakes and regret them—repent.
I am divine; I forgive you—doggedly blunder on toward heaven.
Enjoy Spirit-inspired perseverance—rest in continuing consecration.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 226, Gentle Whiispers from Eternity