State of the Heart

In God we have made our boast all day long,
and we will give thanks to Your name forever.
Selah [Pause and calmly think about that.]
I am the God of your yesterdays—recall the times you celebrated Me. Triumphs came not because of your sword, but because of Mine.
Success came not by your limited ability, but My infinite strength.
The light of My smile has illuminated the darkness of your fears time and time again. Memory of your history is encouraging when you reflect on Unfailing Love. You have never gone wanting for good things, so you should not complain about your current frustrations.
Recall My peace—let heartfelt praise transform your depression into delight and give you a new view.
I am the God of your today—rejoice in conquests you experience in Me. By heaven’s power you overcome ferocious spiritual enemies. In My invigorating energy, you win life’s battles before they are fought. Pledging undivided allegiance to the King of your heart, you are guaranteed victory at every turn.
Through the Name above all names you defeat evil threatening to overwhelm you. Suited up in heavenly armor, you still stand tall after the smoke of battle clears. My mastery is your confidence in struggling with temptation—Satan will not throw you when you cry out for My help.
Rejoice in My power—let heartfelt praise transform your defeat into dynamics and give you a new vitality.
I am the God of your tomorrows—rely on My constancy. Even if it seems I have given you up, rest assured I will keep My promises. Resolve to obey Me no matter what—I honor that kind of commitment.
If you feel like retreating before foes, depend on My Holy Spirit to cause a turnaround and inspire you to seize the initiative again. Saints are sinners who keep trying—never give up! Though the world makes fun of your faith, make Me your Refuge and survive the storms. Do not let mysteries of the unknown cancel your hope—count on Me.
Rely on My promises—let heartfelt praise transform your doubt into devotion and give you a new vision.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 208 Gentle Whispers from Eternity