Stepping up the Stairs

What can I offer the LORD for all he has done for me?
PSALM 116:12 NLT
“Why should I do anything for him? What has he ever done for me?”
Apply this commonly asked question to your relationship to Me—
and the answer will become apparent.
What have I ever done for you?
I listen when you pray.
I am your Best Answer to prayer, All You Need in life—
Language of Infinite Inspiration, Sunrise of Loyalty,
Flame of Holiness, Window of Grace, River of Peace,
Sunshine of Glory, Vision of Victory, Rainbow of Beauty,
Solid Rock of Encouragement, Heartbeat of Love,
Intellect of Wisdom, Orbit of Providence,
Music of Joy, Starlight of Hope.
I preserve your life.
You are alive not because you eat, but because of the Bread of Heaven.
I give you power when you are running low on energy.
When you feel like you are going under, I under stand you.
When you are falling apart under pressure, I stand under you.
I treat you royally so you can enjoy incomprehensible peace.
I have rescued you from terror, so you are alive.
I have rescued you from tears, so you are assured.
I have rescued you from temptation, so you are alert.
Why should you do anything for Me?
Because of all I have done for you, the answer is crystal clear.
So the question then becomes, what can you do?
Live in your Lord’s presence—enjoy the pleasure of My company.
Persevere in your loneliness—trust Me and wait for the dawn.
Praise My love—offer a daily sacrifice of thanks-living.
Proclaim your loyalty—soldier on in the battle with evil.
Humble in My Sovereign Presence, serve your Father.
Holy by My Son’s pardon, gratefully sing My praises.
Handed over to My Spirit’s plan, stack arms and surrender.
Do more than stare up the steps—step up the stairs!
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 238, Gentle Whispers from Eternity