The Blessing of a Thorn

As soon as trouble comes, they will search for me.
Sunshine, lollipops, and roses can create self-dependency.
Feeling you have it made, you feel no need of Me.
Riding high, you assume you can get by without the Most High.
Supremely self-confident, you essentially put prayer on the shelf.
When the sun stops shining and storms roll in, you get serious with Me.
When life turns bittersweet, you earnestly seek My face.
When flowers fade and die, you go back to the eternal Book.
Sensing you cannot survive on your own, you cry out for My assistance.
Experiencing a low point, you try to make sense of it all through faith.
Hurting deeply, you consult the Great Physician.
Sadness can actually be a doorway to ecstasy.
Stoics take it on the chin and go on; Epicureans party and try to forget.
Christians have a unique perspective—trouble is a chance for joy.
When your faith is tested, fortitude has an opportunity to develop.
In a crucible, you learn a valuable lesson—strength is born in weakness.
Insults do not change who you are—I know you, that is all that matters.
Hard times will not destroy you—I care, and that will see you through.
Opposition cannot separate us—I love you, and that will keep us friends.
Calamities cannot kill you—I stand under you, and I will hold you together.
Pressure from all sides will not crush the trusting soul.
Perplexity will not cause the believing heart to drop out of the race.
Getting knocked down will not keep persevering saints down for good.
Life is wonderful—overflowing with blessings all along the journey.
But when there is trouble on the road, I am your Grand Support.
Search for Me with all your heart—it will be worth all the trouble.
Life is sweet and beautiful in many ways—there are many roses.
Yet every rose has a thorn—that hurts, but that too, can be a blessing.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 293, Gentle Whispers from Eternity