The Blessing of Stillness

Hubble telescope image
Be still, and know that I am God … Selah.
Psalm 46:10a, 11b NIV
Uncomfortable with silence? Addicted to comfort of noise? Why not turn off your gadgets, call a halt to hectivity for a day, and ponder what you are aiming for and why you are living? Acknowledge I am irrevocably and totally responsible for everything. Get out of fast forward mode—push the pause button …
I am your Eternal Refuge in the storms of life. In difficulties, I am your Mighty Fortress. In faith quakes, I am your Rock. On high seas, I am your Captain. I am not a very absent help in time of trouble—I am your Invincible Hiding Place. Satan cannot disturb your rest when you are nestling near My heart. I am your Castle of courage—when you are humbly relying on My grace, NO FEAR is far more than a t-shirt motto. Exit bumper-to-bumper high-speed traffic—take a scenic route.
In the turmoil of life’s pandemonium, pause to calmly think about Me—I calm your raging storms by My Presence.
I am your Ecstatic Resource in the sorrows of life. I am your Delightful Festival of celebration, cascading your inner being with joy from the unseen river of My Holy Spirit. Perfect peace cures worry. Heavenly patience slows hurry. Living Water quenches soul thirst.
Jerusalem did not have a river, but it had the LORD Almighty. I was more than enough for them—and I am more than enough for you. In the trauma of life’s pain, pause and calmly think about Me—I cure your sadness by My peace.
I am your Exalted Ruler in the struggles of life. I am the Prince of Peace who will unite unsettled nations, inspire warriors to become farmers, and halt senseless combat.
Human solutions have not fixed problems of planet Earth. The military solution has aggravated international disputes. The economic solution has widened the gap between rich and poor. The political solution has broken innumerable empty promises. The white-horse Rider who judges righteously is heaven’s Final Answer. I am your Dependable Future of confidence—brightening tomorrow. In the terror of life’s perplexity, pause and calmly think about Me—I cheer your soul by My promise.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 209 Gentle Whispers from Eternity