The Bridge to Heaven

There is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and people. He is the man Christ Jesus.
He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.
1 Timothy 2:5-6a NLT
Rebellion troubles.
Sin brings a temporary thrill—its only lasting result is frustration.
Iniquity leads to condemnation and chaos—nothing good comes from bad.
All people miss the mark of perfection—you are no exception to the rule.
Rebellion pays in the coin of heartbreak—guilt and death are sad wages.
Transgression estranges human hearts from the Creator—the gap is wide.
Repentance turns.
I permit U-turns—all who do an about-face find faith a nobler direction.
All who travel Holiness Highway find it better than a dead end road to hell.
Want to walk tall? Get on your knees and you can get to your feet again.
Want to sing for joy? Exit hellacious detours and travel Heaven Boulevard.
Want to really live? Then reverse evil.
Redemption transforms.
When humanity was at its worst, I was at My best—I sent My Beloved Son.
If you got what you deserve, justice would land you in hell.
If you just did not get what you deserve, mercy would keep you out of hell.
Grace can give you better than you deserve—exuberant, eternal life.
Christ swapped with you at Skull Hill—believe and never be the same.
Reconciliation triumphs.
All who accept My grace are at ease in My Presence—eternally friends.
I reside in hearts surrendered to Christ—friends of His are friends of Mine.
Whatever you may face in the future, I will enable you to survive—and sing.
Jesus plus any problem equals victory—don My armor and win your battle.
By nail-scarred hands, Jesus holds My hand in holiness and yours in love.
Clasp His hand and walk over turbulent waters of regret and guilt,
to a tranquil place of grace built by My Son—
the Bridge over troubled water and the Bridge to heaven.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 350, Gentle Whispers from Eternity