The Great Reversal

God says, “Take your royal crown off your head. No more ‘business as usual.’
The underdog will be promoted and the top dog will be demoted.”
Some people will tell you that nothing in the world will ever change.
They are badly mistaken—everything will change someday!
The old order will give way when My Son rules paradise restored.
Old earth will disappear when the new one flourishes.
Old heaven will be history when I erase memory of Lucifer’s rebellion.
Death will be reversed by the Life—old age will be a thing of the past.
Tears will be reversed by the Truth—heartache will be obsolete.
Pain will be reversed by the Way—hospitals will be unnecessary.
The old world and its evils will be reversed by Christ’s new world.
The first now will be last then—those who think they have it made do not.
Haughty egotists will eventually be put in their place.
Those at the end of the line will move to the front—rewarded at last.
I bless the poor in spirit—I will enrich them with the kingdom of heaven.
I bless the brokenhearted—I will comfort them with My grace.
I bless the gentle and lowly—I will give them new earth real estate.
I bless the hungry and thirsty—I will give them a full measure of justice.
I bless the kind and merciful—I will show them abundant mercy.
I bless the pure—I will let them see My face.
I bless the peacemakers—I will call them My sons and daughters.
I bless the persecuted—I will welcome them to My peaceful kingdom.
What will it take to change an old world into a new one? Christ’s return!
The Wonderful Counselor will reverse confusion by unerring guidance.
The Mighty God will reverse defeat by overwhelming victory.
The Everlasting Father will reverse chaos by undisturbed stability.
The Prince of Peace will reverse war by indestructible tranquility.
Joy will fill the earth when I bring about the great reversal.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 284, Gentle Whispers from Eternity