The Greatest Reality

There remain then, faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 MLB
Love endures.
Love’s patience never dies; love’s commitment never gives up.
No matter how uncertain the future, love trusts steadily.
Love never fails, fades, or becomes obsolete—it endures time’s test.
Love empathizes.
My heart is eternally kind—all true love reflects My merciful heart.
Love celebrates with happy hearts—love cries with the heartbroken.
Love esteems others.
Love wishes the best for others, so it is not jealous of their success.
Love is not focused inwardly, so it does not brag or strut.
Love is genuinely concerned for others’ welfare, so it is never rude.
Love serves for heaven’s sake, so it does not resent Christlike slave labor.
Love excuses wrongs suffered.
Love does not keep score, or maintain a record of trespasses against it.
A loving heart forgives others, as it has been forgiven by Infinite Love.
Love is ecstatic about truth.
Love weeps its heart out over injustice, and parties when truth wins.
Love expects the best.
Seeing your Savior face to face will launch a never-ending celebration.
I am saving the best for the last—rest assured.
Love exceeds everything.
Eloquence without love is pointless speech.
Knowledge without love is meaningless nonsense.
Faith without love is useless exercise.
Self-sacrifice without love is wasted effort.
Faith and hope are temporal, but love lasts forever—the greatest reality.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 339. Gentle Whispers from Eternity