The Instructed Disciple

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true, and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT
Teaching of Scripture gives you vision in a despairing world.
Positive about ultimate reality, look above and beyond perishing things.
Do not pin your hopes on political promises and government plans.
Trust My plan—it is more significant and absolutely certain to happen.
Your destiny hinges on My trustworthiness—so do not wring your hands.
Knowing everything seen has a destroyer, invest in eternal treasures.
Believing the future will be as beautiful as My promises, wait patiently.
Anticipating the dawn of the bright morning star, whistle in the dark.
Reviewing My eternal blueprint, look forward to heaven’s open house.
You have My Word—believe My promises and rest assured of glory.
Reproof of the Holy Bible teaches you virtue in a depraved world.
Pure in thought, word and deed, enjoy a good conscience.
To avoid sinning, internalize and treasure My Word in your heart.
To be a person I can use, keep your mind clean and your heart childlike.
When you realize you have gone wrong, exit that devilish detour.
Learn from your mistakes—stay out of the devil’s dark, dingy places.
Live as a child of the Light—shine like a diamond on black velvet.
I want you to be My work of art—yield to My Spirit and honor Me.
Correction of My Word brings you victory in a deceitful world.
Passionate about right behavior, avoid hellacious propaganda.
Satan’s native language is lying—stay in line with the Truth.
Stay off crooked dead-end roads—travel the straight and narrow.
Run from all lustful stimuli—run toward everything that promotes love.
Want to win battles against the evil one? Then follow My Field Manual.
Instruction of the Book from Heaven gives vitality in a dying world.
Productive in good works by staying near Me, revel in a fruitful life.
Independently, you can do nothing worthwhile—you are weak.
Dependently, you can do everything I ask of you—I am your Strength.
Searching the Scriptures to find eternal life? I am your Savior.
Want to prove your love? Do as I say and I will make Myself real to you.
Yearn to know Me better? Then live by the Book.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity