The Intrepid Disciple

God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7 MLB
Trust Me and you will have courage to face any enemy that attacks.
Afraid you cannot engage the evil one and win? You cannot, without Me.
Spinelessness is out of character for one who trusts the Mighty God.
Fear is out of place in hearts abandoned to the Captain of heaven’s hosts.
Paralysis in the face of death betrays a lack of faith in the risen Lord.
Do not face the future cowering in fear—face tomorrow fearlessly in faith.
Do not be agitated by earth’s troubles—enjoy heaven’s gift of peace of mind.
My Spirit is stronger than any opposing force—victory is guaranteed.
March on—I am beside you fighting on your behalf.
Count on Me and you will have capability to complete God-given tasks.
Afraid you cannot do what I ask? You cannot, without My grace.
Without Me you can do nothing—with Me impossibilities evaporate.
Without Me you are powerless—with Me you are strong.
Afraid of people? Intimidation neutralizes your effectiveness for Me.
The Almighty walks with you, so do not tremble before mere mortals.
My Spirit gives lasting patience, tenacious loyalty and undying constancy.
Walk on water—I am in your soul energizing and enabling you.
Follow Me and you will have compassion to care for others.
Afraid you cannot care as I expect you to? You cannot, without My mercy.
My Son went around doing good—do more than just go around.
You are blessed to be a blessing, helped to be helpful, loved to be loving.
Love in your heart is not put there to stay—it is not love, till you give it away.
My Spirit prompts sacrificial love, lavish giving and Christlike gentleness.
Care more than others think wise—I am in your heart inspiring you.
Think about Me and you will have composure to stand strain and stress.
Afraid you cannot keep from going crazy? You cannot, without My peace.
When I exorcised demons, people sat at My feet in their right mind.
When I calm your inner storms, you can think clearly under pressure.
My Spirit grants incomprehensible peace and supernatural self-control.
Resign as Universe General Manager—I am in your mind calming you.
Lean on Me and you will confidence to boldly step into tomorrow.
Afraid you cannot keep your chin up? You cannot, without My Spirit.
I promise to make the future bright—trust without doubt.
I promise to be your Night Light—live without fear.
I promise to help you win—fight without trembling.
Look forward to a glorious destiny—I am in your life cheering you on.

© Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity