The Invisible Christ
It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be treated as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
He chose to share oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying fleeting pleasures of sin.
He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of the Messiah than own treasures of Egypt,
for he was looking ahead to the great reward that God would give him.
It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt. He was not afraid of the king.
Moses kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible.
Hebrews 11:24-27 NLT
Motivated by an unseen face, leave the sinful world behind you.
You have never seen Me, but trust Me anyway and you will be blessed.
Thrill of physical pleasure, comfort of things, and pride of ownership
cannot match the joy of My company and the reward of My approval.
Professing faith in Me, you are under obligation to live like Me—
Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not just an ethical ideal.
When I return to reign over the earth, you will see Me as I really am.
If you really believe this, make a conscious effort to be ready.
Like Enoch, walk in habitual fellowship with Me.
You live in two worlds—one visible, one unseen except with heart eyes.
Radically hoping for a better life on the other side of resurrection,
rest assured you will see your living Redeemer with your own eyes.
Looking forward to a tearless, deathless, painless, sinless place,
anticipate unimaginable surprises and eternal ecstasy.
Live honorably—uncompromisingly purify your heart.
Worshiping an invisible King, refuse to be intimidated by Earth’s ruler.
The snake that sank hateful fangs into My body was pulverized at the cross.
The spirit at work in unbelieving hearts will be defeated by My Holy Spirit.
Your Accuser will ultimately lose his battle against your Advocate.
You have never seen your Defense Counsel, yet I take your side faithfully.
When you stand before Me acquitted, you will celebrate like never before.
Until then, draw near Me and experience joy too wonderful for words.
At My return, every eye will see Me—in the meantime, continue.
Like David, be a person who develops a heart like Mine.
Like Noah, hammer away until you finish the task I assigned you.
Like Sarah, learn that nothing is too hard for Me, then laugh for joy.
Like Abraham, move out in confidence and find I take good care of you.
Live courageously—unflinchingly persevere in following My orders.
Serving the behind-the-scenes God, keep Me first until you see My face.
Live by faith, not by sight—remember the truly essential is invisible.
Allow nothing to take the first place in your heart I alone deserve.
Make My cause your focus—make My grace your survival technique.
Like Abraham, look forward to a promised land beyond what you can see.
Live purposefully—untiringly proclaim My story until you see My smile.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity