The Kingdom of Perfection

My Kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36 NLT
Mine is a kingdom of sacrificial love—an empire of unselfish souls.
I knew what would happen on Skull Hill—I could have avoided it.
I chose to suffer isolation from My Father so you and I could be friends.
Those who came to arrest Me did not need to handcuff Me—
I voluntarily laid down My life for the transgressions of the world.
In an uncaring world, I am the Highest Example of Tenderheartedness.
Follow My lead—live a life filled with love for others.
Mine is a kingdom of absolute truth—a domain of unchanging reality.
Pilate asked, “What is truth?” unaware of Truth in his presence.
My Word gives clear answers—My Spirit sensitizes your conscience.
I am the Embodiment of All Truth—scientific, philosophical, spiritual.
Believe My Book—live a life in line with holy principles.
Mine is a kingdom of total justice—a realm of undeniable fairness.
My judgment is not clouded by appearance, false evidence, or hearsay.
At the end of the day, the King of kings will abolish all inequity.
Trust My promises—live a life of unflinching hope that right will win.
Mine is a kingdom of peace—a territory of undisturbed serenity.
Ultimately all unsheathed swords will be hammered into plowshares.
Spears will make good pruning hooks in a fruitful restored paradise.
After all human solutions fail, I will bring tranquility to an uneasy world.
Relax—live a life of unflappable equanimity anticipating peace at last.
Mine is a kingdom of universal authority—a rule of unrivaled power.
When I identified Myself to soldiers and Temple guards with I Am,
they lurched backward to the ground.
When I ascend My throne to reign over nations, every knee will bow—
angels, humans, and demons will all recognize My right to rule.
At the dawn of eternity, I will triumph over all enemies of righteousness.
Worship Me—live a life of faith that I Will Always Be Who I Am.

© Johnny R. Almond Day 324, Gentle Whispers from Eternity