The King’s Blessing

God blesses those who realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.
Matthew 5:3 NLT
In a strutting world that values independence, I bless the desperate.
VIPs struck on themselves receive nothing but disapproval from My hand.
Beggars prostrate before My throne are blessed beyond imagination.
The holy land of the broken heart is where I am most at home.
The reward of humility is ultimate perfection—the Kingdom of Heaven.
In a pleasure-mad world pursuing happiness at any cost, I bless the tearful.
Those who cry their heart out over evil learn to laugh out loud.
Those who confess and repent discover the ecstasy of My salvation.
Yearn to see My face—I will reward you with the pleasure of My company.
In a dog-eat-dog world obsessed with power, I bless the gentle.
The unbelieving world scorns the meek, but they are heaven’s favorites.
Now the God-controlled and Spirit-sensitive get pushed around.
But mark My Word—someday their reward will be owning the earth.
In an unfair world focused on personal needs, I bless hungry souls.
Starved for justice? Wondering if I will ever balance the books?
Just wait and see—crooks and thieves will have their day in court.
Being embraced in My arms will be reward enough for a lifetime of abuse.
In a ruthless world oppressing lower classes, I bless the merciful.
I am unfailingly kind to you—be sure you are kind to others.
Receiving undeserved mercy will be ample reward for your compassion.
In a dark world of perversion, I bless the pure-hearted.
Get your mind and heart right, and you will see Me with eyes of your heart.
When eternity dawns, you will see Me face-to-face—incomparable reward.
In a warmongering world, I bless the peacemakers.
You are a subject of the Prince of Peace, so do your best to live peacefully.
Genuinely love others, patiently endure trouble, and pray day and night.
Do not be uppity, be a smart-aleck, or try to get even.
Live like this and I will reward you by calling you My child.
In a hateful world ridiculing commitment, I bless the persecuted.
You may be ostracized now, but someday you will be honored.
You may be told to sit on the back row, but I will seat you at My head table.
You may be mistreated now, but I will reward you beyond your dreams.
The rewards offered by the King of kings are not always obvious in time.
What I have in store for surrendered hearts will be seen only in eternity.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity