The Pleasure of God’s Company
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Psalm 37:4 NLT
Delight in the wonder of our relationship—be sure of focus. Enchantment with anything else can be disillusioning, but I never fail. Avoid false gods of the heart—never let anything usurp First Place. Worship the Invisible and Eternal One, be content with your lot in life, and walk humbly with the King of your heart—live a purpose-driven life. Enjoy the pleasure of My company and vindicate your faith to the world.
Dedicate yourself to living My way—be sure of fulfillment. Devoting yourself to lesser causes leads to despair, but relying on Me and committing your energy to My service increases hope and peace. Place your entire being on the altar of sacrifice and you will find true joy. In his hymn “Trust and Obey,” John Sammis goes to the heart of the matter: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.” Want a worthwhile purpose? Searching for a reason to get out of bed in the morning? Walk in My steps.
Depend on Me in life’s waiting room—be sure of a bright future. Be calm in My Presence; wait patiently for Me; steady as you go. Relying on anything else will dishearten you. Other staffs you lean on will break and pierce your hand and heart—I am the Only Absolutely Trustable Spot in the universe.
Decline wrath—be sure of friendship. Giving in to rage and anger always disrupts relationships. I alone bring perfect peace—let Me.
Discipline your walk—be sure of forward spiritual progress. You stumble on your own, but you will never fall if you hold My hand—I will see that you make progress in Christlikeness. Some will tell you the Devil is in the details—the fact is I delight in every detail of your life. An undisciplined day paints a sunset of defeat—watch your step!
Displace all wickedness—be sure of fidelity to your Master. If you want to really live, you must reverse evil! Transgression distracts from life’s highest purpose and is deadly to peace. I place you in a crucible to purify you and draw you nearer to My side—stay close.
Decide for wisdom—be sure of fairness in your relationships. Know the difference between right and wrong, and then choose wisely. Do not join fools practicing deception and deceit. Keep company with Me—and you will surely enjoy life’s best!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 206 Gentle Whispers from Eternity