The Refreshing Christ

They washed their robes in blood of the Lamb and made them white. They stand in front of the throne of God, serving him day and night in his Temple. He who sits on the throne will live among them and shelter them. They will never again be hungry or thirsty. The Lamb who stands in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. God will wipe away all their tears. Revelation 7:14-17 NLT
Christ’s deliverance refreshes our soul.
Guilt can only be removed by the blood of the innocent Lamb.
When our heart is purified, we can have a spring in our step again.
God’s pardon makes us holy.
Jesus is our salvation—performing the miracle of complete forgiveness.
Christ’s dynamic refreshes our strength.
Falling to our knees, He helps us get on our feet again so we can
soar above mediocrity, outrun evil, and continue beyond faintheartedness.
God’s power is our help.
Jesus is our strength—blessing our mission with capable fulfillment.
Christ’s defense refreshes our serenity.
Sealed by the Holy Spirit, we’re marked as belonging to God’s family forever.
Surrounded by his love, we enjoy safe refuge in life’s storms.
God’s peace is our hiding place.
Jesus is our shelter—granting us mercy in faith’s comforting fortress.
Christ’s delight refreshes our song.
Satan is a kill-joy, a spoiler of reputation, and a thief after our enthusiasm.
God’s love is a deeper well, God’s life better water, God’s laughter higher joy.
God’s pleasure is our happiness.
Jesus is our satisfaction—inspiring music in our soul like a cascading fountain.
Christ’s direction refreshes our search.
He walks before us into tomorrow—right beside us, every step of the journey.
God’s Providence is our hope.
Jesus is our Shepherd—leading us to the bright mystery of the celestial future.
Christ’s destiny refreshes our struggle.
Tears of regret will be over when we’re totally redeemed—sins all forgiven.
Tears of pain will be over when we’re finally relieved—suffering forever gone.
Tears of bereavement will be over when death dies—shadows of grief history.
God’s Presence is our heartbeat.
Jesus’ smile will reward us when we meet him in face-to-face celebration.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond