The Revealing Christ

This is a revelation of Jesus Christ.
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.
He laid his right hand on me and said,
“Don’t be afraid! I am the First and the Last.
I am the living one who died. Look, I am alive forever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and the grave.”
Revelation 1:1, 17, 18 NLT
Envision the Almighty—able to do anything He pleases, unrivaled in power.
Ponder the Holy One—unable to do anything wrong, untarnished in purity.
Revere the just God—sure to make everything right, unstoppable in plan.
Picture the loving God—dying for all on a cross, unmatched in passion.
God’s wisdom is beyond our ability to decipher—infinitely profound.
God’s awareness of us is beyond our comprehension—intimately personal.
God’s message of ultimate truth is beyond our intellect—infallibly perfect.
God’s heart of mercy is beyond our vilest transgression—incredibly poignant.
Jesus Christ is God’s Holy Alphabet—A to Z, First to Last, all God has to say to us.
Eons ago, He spoke the first word and radiant light dispelled sin’s darkness.
At the end of time, He will have the last word and eternal life will conquer death.
God is the only One in the cosmos who will always be who He has always been.
Generations have made God’s heart their Home, and God made their hearts his.
Before Jesus sculpted mountains or whispered stars into being, He cared for us.
Before we were born, He knew our name and drew the blueprint of our life.
He loves us today no less than He did yesterday—His love for us will never fail.
Standing in awe of Jesus, we never lose the wonder of who He is.
When we come to Christ, we find purpose for our life.
But first, we must get over our self.
Falling on our knees, we discover meaning.
Paying attention to God’s’ Word, we put our hand over your mouth and listen.
When we come to Christ, we learn timeless truths.
But first, we must understand we can’t figure everything out alone.
Hushing, we get to know God.
Adoring Christ, we do more than meditate; we worship him with all our being.
When we come to Christ, we experience joy too wonderful for words.
But first, we must become dissatisfied with the world’s empty promises.
Following his orders, we really come alive.
Giving Jesus undivided allegiance, we surrender our will to the King of hearts.
When we come to Christ, we find rest.
But first, we must become restless in our spirit and desperate for him.
Falling at his feet, He makes himself real to us.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Gentle Whispers from Eternity