The Savior’s Company

The Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it—and I won’t take it away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 NLT
Distracted by trivial pursuits? My Kingdom is life’s noblest quest.
Beside yourself? You are better off beside Me.
Falling apart? Fall on your knees.
Wringing your hands? Take My hand and I will take good care of you.
Worried sick? Follow My prescription for excellent health.
Give careful attention to My words—wiser than Satan’s propaganda.
Rest in green meadows of trust—calmer than the world’s rat race.
Relax beside peaceful streams—better than the comfort of noise.
Walk obedient paths—more honorable than rebellious detours.
Live fearlessly, even in death’s shadow—bolder than bravado.
Enjoy the pleasure of My company—sweeter than sin’s temporary thrill.
Stay close to My heart and avoid the stranger from hell out to hurt you.
The evil one wants to steal enthusiasm, kill joy, and destroy influence.
I want to give you high purpose, invulnerable joy, and eternal impact.
Sit at My feet—let Me settle down and be at home in your heart.
I am your Most Honored Guest—give Me your undivided attention.
Do not fret over the work you must do, turning life into a long rush hour.
Worship begins with silence—hush so you can hear My voice.
If you ever hope to really get to know Me, you will have to slow down.
If you yearn to find deep rest, I can teach you how to relax.
More than self-confidence, you need faith in your Savior.
More than Scripture memorization, you need devotion to the Living Word.
More than assent to My claims, you need intimacy with your Master.
More than regimented obedience, your need genuine love for your Lord.
More than zealous hectivity, you need heartfelt loyalty to your heart’s King.
More than dead-end legalism, you need to walk the high road with Christ.
To-do list impossible? Fragmented? Going in circles, getting nowhere?
I can calm your restlessness and give you proper direction.
Let Me vector your mind and heart in the direction of the cross—
only then will you make spiritual headway.
Concern yourself with one absolute essential—relationship with Me—
only then will your life make sense.

(c) by Johnny R. Almond
Gentle Whispers from Eternity