The Servant’s Orders

Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31 NLT
So many things seem important to you, you get confused and frustrated.
Keeping all those plates spinning can be exhausting—
so many critical projects demanding your immediate attention,
so many people expecting so many things of you,
so many tasks appearing on your to-do list.
How in the world can you ever hope to find the time to get it all done?
How can you decide which priorities deserve immediate, closest attention?
Listen to My voice—hear well the orders from your Commander.
There is nothing more important in your life than loving your Creator.
There is nothing more critical to do than worshipping your Redeemer.
There is nothing more significant than staying in step with your Sanctifier.
Love Me wholeheartedly—divided allegiance produces mediocrity.
Love Me with all your emotions—be sincere in your feelings.
Gaze at Skull Hill and see proof of My love, then love Me more.
Walk with Me joyfully—enjoy the pleasure of My company.
Love Me with all your ego—be serious in your faith.
Creatively serve Me—love Me through your unique personality.
Honor Me supremely, above all else—avoid false gods of the heart.
Love Me with all your energy—be strong in your focus.
Go beyond announcing affection—demonstrate it by everyday actions.
Obey Me conscientiously and passionately—walk in My steps faithfully.
Love Me with all your education—be sharp in your fact-finding.
Ennoble your mind by daily intake of Scripture—intelligently serve Me.
Change the way you think and you will change the way you live.
Let Me be more than just words to you—let Me be your First Love.
You do not get near My heart by traveling, but by loving.
Fall in love and stay in love with the Lover of your soul.
Whatever you plan today, do not overlook orders from Higher Headquarters.

© Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity