The Trap of Luxury

Woe to those who are at ease in Zion,
to those on the mountain of Samaria who are careless and feel secure.
Self-confidence comes so naturally to you.
Reviewing your situation, you tell yourself “I have it made in the shade!”
Complacency selects an address on Easy Street.
Wealth shifts your attention from the church to the bank.
Comfort isolates you from the cries of the poor.
Pride distances you from those struggling just to eke out an existence.
The American dream turns your life into an egotistical nightmare.
Your soft bed rocks you to sleep without a twinge of conscience—
street people do not keep you awake.
Your lavishly-stocked pantry fills your stomach without worry—
gluttony fattens you up while the hungry of the world starve to death.
Your comfortable house has become your security blanket—
your welcome mat is not out for the homeless.
Your wine racks offer you much more than you need—
charmed by sweet drinks, you have little thirst for My Spirit.
At ease, you take it easy—while the heartbroken struggle to survive.
Lazy, you sleep away your existence—while the world goes to hell.
Extravagant, you waste resources—while the poor rummage in dumps.
Blind, you invest in things—while I urge you to invest in eternity.
Careless, you are deaf to a roaring lion—while My Spirit warns you.
Believe it or not, I am your Only True Security.
Realize you deeply need Me—and I will grant heavenly citizenship.
Hunger and thirst for righteousness—and I will satisfy your soul.
Be kind to people fighting a hard battle—and I will give you victory.
Purify your heart—and I will permit you to see Me face to face.
Work for peace—and I will proudly call you My child.
Persevere in My service—and I will welcome you home.
Treasure Me—and I will give your investment eternal dividends.
Avoid the trap of luxury—and I will let you celebrate Love’s freedom.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 295, Gentle Whispers from Eternity