The Word from on High

Hear the word of the LORD of hosts.
In the labyrinth of confusion, My Word is your map and compass.
In your subterfuge and hypocrisy, My Word searches your inner being.
In self-absorption, My Word is a wake-up call to compassionate living.
In feeling you have it made, My Word calls you to worship your Maker.
In despair of justice, My Word reverberates the Lion’s apocalyptic roar.
In searching for meaning, My Word guides you to Christ.
In yearning for wisdom, My Word unveils the Alpha and the Omega.
In detouring from holiness, My Word shouts a warning of judgment.
In troubling anxiety and doubt, My Word gently whispers reassurance.
In discouraging current events, My Word promises a golden future.
In loneliness, My Word reminds you of My Faithful Presence.
In sadness, My Word gives you the lyrics to My symphony of hope.
In hell’s propaganda, My Word teaches you to discern the truth.
In apathy, My Word is a fire in your heart melting the lead in your feet.
In pride, My Word is a hammer that smashes your egocentricity to bits.
In the battle with temptation, My Word is your defensive shield.
In difficult terrain, My Word is your flashlight one step at a time.
In your strutting around, My Word is your call to humbly worship Me.
In misplaced trust in accomplishments, My Word invites faith in Me.
In hubris, My Word challenges you to remember you are not God.
In floor-pacing, My Word encourages you to give Me your worries.
In weariness, My Word invites you to give Jesus your crushing burdens.
In wondering about the future, My Word guarantees My Son’s return.
In asking who you are, My Word paints your destiny of Christlikeness.
In resisting Jesus’ downward mobility, My Word adjusts your attitude.
In meditating on Scripture, My Word changes the way you think.
In focusing on the finish line, My Word strengthens you to endure.
In relying on Christ, My Word enables you to do whatever I ask of you.
In conscientiously obeying My orders, My Word blesses you with joy.
In internalizing My thoughts, My Word sweetens your everyday life.
In overwhelming stress, My Word renews your hope and cheer.
In devoting yourself to My teachings, My Word frees your spirit to soar.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 272, Gentle Whispers from Eternity