To Be Continued

Let every living, breathing creature praise God! Hallelujah! PSALM 150:6 THE MESSAGE
Book One concludes with a doxology of unending praise—
God alone is worthy of everlasting praise.
Book Two concludes with a doxology of unparalleled praise—
God alone does glorious and miraculous things.
Book Three concludes with a doxology of unquestioning praise—
God alone merits absolute worship.
Book Four concludes with a doxology of unrestrained praise—
God alone deserves wholehearted devotion.
Book Five concludes with a doxology of universal praise—
God alone inspires creation to heartfelt adoration.
With the trumpet of triumph, the harp of holiness, the lyre of love,
the tambourine of thought, the dance of delight, strings of serenity,
and cymbals of celebration—give tribute to the LORD.
Someday all living beings in the cosmos will sing praises to the Lamb.
Until then, honor God by the way you think, speak, and behave.
The only perfect musical note produced is made by running water—
heaven’s universal praise will sound like that!
The mighty crescendo of praise to the Savior will rise and swell—
uniting the international chorus of people singing the praises of Jesus.
You will see Christ face to face.
You will hear His voice welcoming you home.
You will celebrate forever living in heaven on earth.
Heaven’s never-ending love story is an unfinished symphony you hear as
“a foretaste of glory divine” (Fanny Crosby).
Holy Spirit gifts cheer you on in every phase of your journey,
composing a melody of grace notes as a prelude to heaven.
As the overture of God’s kindness in time fades away,
and you step across the threshold of eternity—
you will at last hear notes of the first movement clearly.
And when from death you’re free, you’ll sing and joyful be,
And thro’ eternity you’ll sing on (American folk hymn).
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 250, Gentle Whispers from Eternity