Travel Mercies
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Psalm 28:7 NIV
I am your Strength. When you seek Me, I never turn a deaf ear. I am not, as the skeptics claim, “a very absent help in time of trouble.” When you stand in need, I am only a prayer away. Whatever enemies you face, I take your side.
Your critical need for forgiveness is met by infinite love and mercy. Your desperate need for victory is answered by supernatural assistance. Your pivotal need for friendship is found in the Shepherd’s tender care. Your crucial need for reinforcement is nourished in waiting on Jehovah—enabling you to walk farther than the fainthearted and lethargic, run faster than the tempter, and soar higher than the mediocre.
You have found the secret of surviving all situations—Christ’s help. Infused with His strength, you are ready for anything life throws at you. Relying on His power, you can live to tell about difficult circumstances. Inspired by His example, you can hold your head high and march forward.
I am your Shield. Your deep need for tranquility is met by My gift of peace of mind. As you pray about every situation and thank Me for My responses to your needs, perfect peace forms a bulwark around you and fills your mind with thoughts of your Savior’s love. You cannot comprehend this; neither can you define or explain it, but you can experience it.
The Breath of heaven holds you together. Do not try to go it alone—take My hand and journey on.
I am your Song. Trust Unfailing Love and celebrate total salvation. Sing a new song every day—praise Me from wake-up call to lullaby.
Your crucial need for lightheartedness is met by My Presence. You cannot always be happy in your circumstances, but you can always rejoice in your inner-stances. I am the God of your life—I meet all your needs out of My unlimited resources. I am Everything You Ever Really Need in life. What more could you ask?
I have always loved and cared for you—rest assured I always will. Review the history of our relationship, and be hopeful for your tomorrows. “In all of life’s ebb and flow,” as Luther Bridgers celebrates in his hymn “He Keeps Me Singing,” I will keep you “singing as you go.”

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 202 Gentle Whispers from Eternity
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 202 Gentle Whispers from Eternity