Turning the Tide

Judgment will again become saving justice,
and in its wake all upright hearts will follow.
The ebb and flow of life’s forces may sometimes seem out of control—
against the right and righteous, opposed to My purpose and people.
Have faith in Me—believe I can turn the tide.
I am the God of Vengeance.
At times it appears to you the score is “Evil 29, Good 0.”
Look beyond the size of the opponent and scoreboard numbers,
and hopelessness will be overshadowed by the Light.
The battle is not over.
Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one.
(Maltbie Babcock, “This is My Father’s World”)
I will turn the tide of infidelity—in its wake judgment will prevail.
Calm down.
I am the God of Vision.
Through My revelation, you are revitalized.
Through My moral teaching, you are transformed.
Through My law, you learn how to live.
I turn the tide of ignorance—in its wake spiritual progress prevails.
Wise up.
I am the God of Vitality.
When you think you are about to go under, I under stand you.
When question marks fill your mind, I quiet your heart.
When you stagger, I am your Strength.
When perplexity crowds your innermost self, I cheer your soul.
I turn the tide of infirmity—in its wake joy prevails.
Cheer up.
I am the God of Victory.
I am earth’s Just Judge—My turn of events will be the right turn.
I am Sovereign of nations, Savior of what is next—I guarantee triumph.
I will turn the tide of injustice—in its wake justice will prevail.
Rest assured.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 228, Gentle Whispers from Eternity